Suggestion - Jump Drive activation via programmable blocks.

Strawberry Scarlet shared this feedback 6 years ago

As the title suggests, a handy feature, specially for those like Lucas who make and maintain NPC mods.

Imagine a huge fleet coming towards you, miles away at the time. But a second later you panic as they disappear from Radar, coming within range in the blink of an eye.

It would also be quite handy for "Autojump" scripts, possibly making for some more dynamic interactions with custom NPC's who jump around to randomly selected points, or set way-points, along the universe.

Now, i am aware that this might be easily abused, but to that I say let the community speak in the replies to this post, perhaps detailing some fixes to problems with the idea.

Replies (3)


Has been requested many many times (including by me), denied every single time without as much as a hesitation. Keen has deliberately denied this. The actions are specifically coded to prevent this, normal actions would automatically be available to the programmable block. The jump action is explicitly filtered out.

I'm sorry. You got my vote anyway, but we won't get anywhere with this one :(


Darn.. Well, it was worth a shot.


This mod jump drive will allow you to jump with scripting.

I read somewhere that it is probably not allowed because you could make an uncapturable ship or station. I did that once and called it the 'Scaredy Cat Script' because it performed a blind jump every time an enemy got near. I also made a devastating 'Nuclear Warp Mine' that will jump into or near your ship and blow up. Nobody wants that to be vanilla.

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