Suggestion: A tech tree for space suits, jet packs, tools, and weapons.

Andrew Alexander Russel Diaczuk shared this feedback 3 years ago

I think it would be cool if you started with a basic space suit, jet pack, etc. and you had to use an upgrade bench or terminal at a shop or station to get better upgrades.

Upgrades for like oxygen and hydrogen efficiency, power efficiency, spacesuit armor value, antenna range, or even needing to by attachments for your weapons, ammo types. some thing that adds a better reason for visiting and finding npc stations. and maybe needing to do certain missions to unlock upgrades.

please look into this i think it would be beneficial for the integrity of this awesome game.

Replies (2)


I like the idea of being able to customize your suit. Flat upgrades probably aren't the best though, because simply throwing money at buying more with one final "best" version is both boring and uncreative. Essentially, the opposite of what SE is about.

If it were, for example, a set of places that can be upgraded, with a store-bought item to put in it, you still get the upgrades to your suit, but there's actual thought put into designing your suit for a purpose. Extra power and better sensors if you're scouting for ore, but more inventory and tool overclocking if you're working on your ship.

A few thoughts on the actual upgrades:

A jetpack module slot would be amazing. Swapping out atmo, hydro, and ion packs would be the perfect way to balance the differences between jetpack usability with and without gravity. Also, adding extra armor/inventory/power/gases if you trust your mag boots and parkour skills would be nice.

Maybe some kind of systems slot? Seeing needed parts for blocks at a distance is the kind of thing that isn't a base suit function and would be really handy or really annoying at various times. An enemy targeting module (with leading reticles) would really help in getting a sense for how to aim in SE. An extended-range ore detector or antenna and a distance measuring ability would also be one of those really handy/kind of useless/really annoying things that I could see being a module.

Please don't give Keen any ideas on gun attachments. They're messy in almost every game I've seen where you can actually take them off your gun while playing, and adding more than one ammo type for a weapon is just asking for trouble as well. It might be ok if this were a primarily combat-oriented game, but just adding an extra weapon or two would probably get more gameplay variety without having to create entirely new mechanics.


I like some of the ideas mentioned here, definitely would add some depth and immersion options for players. I can agree with a lot of what Doomed Person was talking about though. Rather than adding or removing attachments for weapons, just having a few more specialized weapons we can make would be nice. Like for example a new SMG with a reflex sight or zoom scope, laser sight, forward grip and a bullet compensator would be interesting as a weapon in itself. Maybe a hard-hitting LMG with a larger box magazine and ACOG scope, or a long range DMR or sniper rifle. Even a shotgun and pistol. I've seen several mods in the past with these kinds of weapons in them, and at one time even the game files once had a pistol model. What ever happened to that idea back then?


I'd be careful about which weapons to add. While several types of guns might add most of the gameplay variety in a normal FPS, they would have little effective difference in Space Engineers because of ships. I'd prioritize weapons like handheld rocket launchers and tesla cannons over different varieties of guns, because both have intuitive suit-to-suit and suit-to-ship interactions by themselves and with different weapons. It also helps that they'd both likely have very different ammo types that would limit confusion.

Compare that to a shotgun, which only really has a role in indoor suit-to-suit, or a DMR, which adds an extra gun and ammo type while neatly getting out-specialized by both AR and sniper rifle.

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