Subgrid/wheel Prediction

SirHamsterAlot shared this feedback 6 years ago


So after multiple hours in MP i really missed something, the prediction for subgrids. without this prediction any ship with wheels or subgrids of any kind quickly becomes completely impossible to control with any ping over 100 (btw, i dont know what you guys are doing with the input buffers but 75+ ms to localhost seems a bit much).

New player experience

Basically prediction is neccesairy for doing anything but especially neccesairy in survival. For example, with a rover start you wouldnt want a new player that tries the game for the first time have to wait half a second for their inputs to register on the server and make it back to them. That was for many of my friends i tried getting in the game a complete turnoff. Since it makes controlling rovers (or ships with subgrids of any kind) feel clunky, sluggish and not fun to use.

Descision to remove it

The descision to not have it seems especially odd to me because the prediction was there in the previous version. I mean it wasnt very good but it was better then nothing and prevented the oversteering, delayed experience we have now.

Racing tournaments

As for the competitive racing tournaments we where trying to do, they are completely impossible now due to the high amounts of input lag. Trying to steer into a corner often you would have to press the A or D keys 100+ meters before you actually want to steer. Last patch it would actually take a bit of skill to win, nowadays its basically just whoever has the lowest ping (which mind you i havnt seen ping under 100 anywhere thats not localhost and even localhost is 75 Ms). These issues are also not just confined to racing but to many other scenario's as well that where working completely fine before the update.


Anyone trying to play multiplayer with a rover or subgridded ship.

Best Answer

The lack of prediction makes it feel laggy because you have to wait for the server to acknowledge your inputs before anything moves on your screen. Adding it back should make it feel smoother.

Replies (5)


id enjoy this but if it comes at the cost of MP lag ten id just leave it


The lack of prediction makes it feel laggy because you have to wait for the server to acknowledge your inputs before anything moves on your screen. Adding it back should make it feel smoother.


If there really is no way to avoid a performance drop from having subgrid/wheel prediction, then let's have it be a toggle in the advanced world settings. It's such a vital thing for so many activities in SE that we can't not have it.


Honestly it is just horrible it makes it feel like the mp is slow and really makes doing anything with wheels impossible and not fun.


sounds reasonable to have it in experimental mode maybe? could have been removed for performance optimizations. just a guess though.


I feel like the complete removal of this ruins some aspects of the game, racing, etc.

but the main issue for me is that having ANY subgrid on dynamic ship grid, causes that ship to fly and react slowly, meaning you either build no subgrids, or deal with it.

At minimum, 'Enable Subgrid prediction' as an option would be good enough.


i would even go for just one level of subgrids for prediction, that covers a rover and its wheels, with maybe a flying drone attached to the rover that has no other subgrids of its own.


This problem is still relevant, but it has not been resolved. It is sad that this is how it turns out.

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