Small Blocks on Large Grids

Darkpixel797 shared this feedback 6 years ago

I see a lot of users decorating the inside of their large ships by making a small ship on the interior and connecting the two via some method or another. This is obviously not intended and very janky. I suggest being able to hold a hotkey or something when placing a non-functional block on a large grid to place the small variant instead. How would this be done? when a small block is placed in a large block space large blocks can no longer be placed in that block space, instead it will be a S*S*S volume space to place more small blocks in (where S is the scale factor of small blocks to large blocks). I know this might be tricky to code so it would be fine if either this happened directly, or you have to implement a large block to serve this function, or not be implemented at all. Just something a lot of ship and base designers would like.

Replies (4)


I would love this if would be in the game. You'd able to put more detail in your ship/base with out the janky rotor block.


It's not only intended but necessary to be able to make certain builds and functions. But being forced to make a rotor that you don't need just to be able to transition from a small to a large grid is just seriously frustrating . Your using up valuable CPU for nothing and attaching everything to an unstable rotor head. The alternative is to use connectors and that suck just as as bad, as there is no exact way of aligning the two properly. As soon as the game miss calculates it for some reason or other you either get a collision that sends your ship flying or everything just explodes. We need a simple small merge block to connect the two even if they stay on separate grids.


I'm not sure this can be implemented natively (i.e. place small directly on large) without a major rewrite of VRAGE, as it assumes a singular grid size. However, leveraging the current system of implementing subgrids (rotors, pistons, and to a lesser extent merge blocks and connectors), it should be possible to create a simple block type that's similar to rotors and pistons, but instead acts as a solid weld as far as physics is concerned.


I would love some way to "decorate" large block with small block on the same grid. Not sure how it would be implemented but the ability to mix sizes on the same grid without all the sub-grid nonsense would be lovely. Maybe even just a small-grid merge block that is actually small would help

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