Scripts for Official Servers

Tali Essin shared this feedback 6 years ago

Just what the title says, scripts enabled for a few of the official servers, maybe with a player/faction/global limit of the amount of scripts running at one time. I just think they make the game more enjoyable and it would be fun if they were available. But nevertheless thanks fo a great game.

Replies (1)


There has been talk in the Keen Discord > Programming-in-game of making a PB that takes disks. So anyone can play a disk on a PB but only people with scripter roles on the server could load a program into a disk.

Those people then in effect are whitelisting the scripts and the total number of scripts.

So if you really want that Orbital Flight computer script you could board that satellite and grind down the PB to get the disk to fall out so you can grab it.

It is an idea?


Elfi, I would definitely support that idea if "scripter role" designations were a detached feature from the disk idea that could be turned on and off.


The one biggest things I have problem with is the official servers has scripting turned off making most the stuff I want to do impossible. There is alot of decent scripts for this game that I have used and even checked over that they work right(yes I am a bit of a programmer). Having this turned off just makes the primary tech blocks worthless and limits what everything else can do. I f the problem is crap code coming in the game making only like the top 10% of workshop code able to run on the servers openly aka the scripts that most people use and that actually work. I don't know if it would be possible to some how have these good scripts get approved once they gotten a certain amount of rating in the workshop and have been given a basic check over by Keen.


English translation:

I propose to introduce scripts with very slow execution speed. That is, the program code is fully functional, but there is a pause between each command, for example 0.01 seconds or more. I do not remember how long one tick lasts, but the point is that each command would be executed after a pause of 1-10 script ticks. This will greatly relieve the server from the script load, and for one, smart hardware will get full, or almost full, functionality... The number of ticks the length of the pause between commands is better to put in the server settings, and for the players, for example, information about the software unit to display the speed of the script - "Out command sleep tick's = 0.010 sec."

Russian original text:

Предлагаю ввести скрипты с сильно замедленной скоростью выполнения. То есть, программный код полностью функционален, но между каждой командой срабатывает пауза, например 0.01 секунды или больше. Я не помню, сколько длится один тик, но смысл в том, что бы каждая команда выполнялась после паузы в 1-10 скриптовых тиков. Это очень сильно разгрузит сервера от скриптовой нагрузки, а за одно, умное железо получит полную, или почти полную, функциональность... Количество тиков длины паузы между командами лучше выставлять в настройках сервера, а для игроков, например в сведениях о программном блоке должна отображаться скорость работы скрипта - "Out command sleep tick`s = 0.010 sec."


yes damm good idea ,, but you gota use a 5.2inch floppy disc and it got to make the Eeeeennnnnnnnmmmmmddddddd sound when inserted,,,,,

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