Request to have a toggle option for flickering tool effects

Ken Piper shared this feedback 6 years ago

A while back, I tried without success to create a mod to do this, but I think it would be a small but helpful addition to the game to have an option that lets a user turn off the flickering light effect that tools such as the welder and the grinder make when in use.

Players who are photosensitive, such as my best friend, aren't able to use welders at all and must be careful with grinders because of their harsh, fast flickering effect when being used. If those client-side effects could be turned off in the game options, it would make a big part of the game much more available to those who are photosensitive.

Replies (5)


+1 For more options to make the game more user-friendly!


there shouldnt be ANY question on this.,. this is an accessability issue. I have a few friends who all agree that this causes issues, especialy eye pains.


+1 Yes, it is a good idea


This please !

My gf saw me play and wanted to join me, I bought her the game and now she just can’t play since flashing lights from the tools (not only the welder) are literally painful for her. Photosensitivity is no joke, and if this thread is getting revived now that’s probably for a good reason.


I also think more options like this make games better however I am aware the devs use more resources but this should negate resources so should help in other areas if programmed right like an on-off-gate switch in java basic.

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