Renewed solar system generator

Andrew Murray shared this feedback 3 years ago

So as there is not an easy way to customize a solar system how about implementing and autogen feature. The generator could allow adding planets that you want to include this would also include custom planets from the workshop. Set max planets to 9 or as little as one and have maybe 15 for moon classifisations. The generator would position the planets randomly in the system along with moons as well as asteroids or maybe asteroid fields. Maybe giving the system random names would be cool as well. It would mean that every solar system generated is never the same and for the cherry on the cake if you had a way of using a jump drive but instead of jumping around the system you had an option to use it to jump between saved files or even servers. The content creators that have done an amazing job greating whole universes for us to watch would now have a new way to do they story modes as even they won't be able to predict what might come from the generator. It would also mean players who work hard producing ships can easily take them to maybe harder save files from easier created systems.

Replies (1)


Yes, like just yes, but also different star types and different planet types including partially destroyed to destroyed, all this cool looking partially destroyed planets you see in sci-fi, I want that, also the sun as a actual 3d object as well

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