Remaining Fuel time needs updating- possible solution.

Suicide Neil shared this feedback 5 years ago

The whole Fuel system needs to be overhauled- constantly bouncing between 4 years and 30 seconds is ridiculous.

Perhaps changing 'Remaining time' system to a Percentage-based system would make more sense- however much fuel you have is considered as 100%, as you burn though it the remaining amount is expressed as a decreasing percentage and goes down faster as you use more thruster power and such.

Would work for Uranium and Hydrogen, would work for batteries with 100 to 0% charge remaining.

Would work for Solar panels too, you'd just need to have enough panels to power your grid and that would be considered as 100%; if you don't have enough panels, then you'd be overloading ( same with Batteries ).

The current system is not fit for purpose and hasn't been for a long, long while- time for some updating...

Replies (1)


For ships running off an H2 generator it would be nice to see remaining ice. Ice/H2/Uranium/% Battery all come handy in different creations.

Priority would be fixing the "4 years remaining" and the next second you are dry kind of issue.


I would have zero issue with a separate small bar for each 'fuel' type- it would fix the problem instantly and be far more helpful than the current hydrogen & power-usage bars. Bonus points for making the UI only display a bar for fuel types that are present and hiding non-applicable ones.

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