Remaining Fuel time needs updating- possible solution.
The whole Fuel system needs to be overhauled- constantly bouncing between 4 years and 30 seconds is ridiculous.
Perhaps changing 'Remaining time' system to a Percentage-based system would make more sense- however much fuel you have is considered as 100%, as you burn though it the remaining amount is expressed as a decreasing percentage and goes down faster as you use more thruster power and such.
Would work for Uranium and Hydrogen, would work for batteries with 100 to 0% charge remaining.
Would work for Solar panels too, you'd just need to have enough panels to power your grid and that would be considered as 100%; if you don't have enough panels, then you'd be overloading ( same with Batteries ).
The current system is not fit for purpose and hasn't been for a long, long while- time for some updating...
For ships running off an H2 generator it would be nice to see remaining ice. Ice/H2/Uranium/% Battery all come handy in different creations.
Priority would be fixing the "4 years remaining" and the next second you are dry kind of issue.
For ships running off an H2 generator it would be nice to see remaining ice. Ice/H2/Uranium/% Battery all come handy in different creations.
Priority would be fixing the "4 years remaining" and the next second you are dry kind of issue.
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