Reality in the Space Engineers

schadomaster shared this feedback 4 years ago

Considering wanting to create a sort of reality in Space Engineers, it would be good if the all the planets would move around the sun and not the sun itself. Not only is it like this in reality but also is it helping with solar panels in space. At the moment you have to add just solar panels to reach maximum effciency, but with the sun being stationary, only planets and asteroids can move in front of the sun and block the light. Maybe letting the planets move in different speeds, could copy the real sun-system. This feature would be cool in my eyes, so it might be a nice-to-add feature in the game.

Replies (1)


The game engine doesn't support moving voxels. While it would be nice to have something like that, it doesn't seem likely to happen based on the amount of effort required to implement it.

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