Radar to detect active players (+rationale)

Uncouth Bastard shared this feedback 6 years ago

So first of all, there can be factions who raid, who live in space and raid and can never be found.This is probably a thing on all servers. Also, a full server can feel deserted if not for global chat.

There has to be some means of locating others, but in a way that also protects offline players to some extent, and that leans more towards detecting bigger factions to bring them into contact, while pressing less on beginning players and smaller factions.

Thus I propose the following:

A method (possibly a block) to detect active thrusters from a relatively long range, with that range being much greater in open space. Perhaps a simple detector block, though requiring a lot of energy.

The more energy the thrusters use, the greater the detection range, and thus larger factions/more advanced are easier to detect (mostly as threats).

Thus offline players are protected from detection (to an extent) and active players are brought more into contact, or at least, if they want to. You could at least see if there's something flying around you or towards you.

There is still the issue of players observing the thruster use of other active players and then being able to more or less know where to scout for their bases, but in this case both factions will be detect each other simultanously, more or less, so both will know what the situation is. And of course, if you build a base, you still gotta defend it and play smart (cache components elsewhere, have faction mates etc)

Replies (2)


Many variations of this suggestion exist. Why not just go by the power generated by the grid? So any large, high energy grid will light up from a great distance away, and can only be hidden by drastically reducing power being generated (actually turning off generators). This mechanic could also allow for passive generation like solar panels and/or batteries to be "invisible" to detection or at a greatly reduced range, which would tend to make static solar-powered grids much more difficult to locate at range... unless of course it's generating a lot of power. Just a thought to share.


Agreed on detection of thrusters as a no-go. it makes stations invisible. Detecting power generation is a better - but how about "power use" as well? This way people wont be invisible when running on just batteries or solar. It also makes high efficiency ships desirable.

Then on the detection method -- it should NOT be pinpoint accurate. the detection method should give you a general direction -- say 1 of 8 quadrants -- and then you have to go in that direction to track down the power signature.

The above is all PASSIVE detection.

an ACTIVE detection block makes things much more interesting. First off, it advertises your presence to any other passive detector blocks at a much longer range than it can detect. ex: active detector range at 10kms. but a passive detector at 15-20kms can see it.

This is basically the same mechanics as sonar pings and/or active radars that we have today

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