Quality of life additions for various blocks
Air vent:
- checkbox for "airlock" which automatically matches the outside pressure when depressurizing and also acts as a small oxygen tank for the airlock
Oxygen farm:
- checkbox to enable internal growth lights, which produces oxygen without contact to sun light but consumes more energy
O2/H2 Generator:
- checkbox to disable production of O2
- slider for turret accuracy, higer accuracy consumes more energy, good for making NPC ships which don't instantly kill you
- checkbox for "back-up" mode which would turn the battery on and to discharge if power on the grid went off
- checkbox to disable manual interaction with the door
- add button for "pages" that could be configured what to show, for example: page 1 would show text, page 2 would show arrow texture, page 3 would show text
and these could then be triggered
- add list of configurable presets for individual lights that could be triggered, for example:
preset 1 would be normal white light, preset 2 would be blinking red light
Every block with a control panel:
- checkbox to disable control panel
I like all of your points apart from the First one with Air vents this would defeat Engineering your own air locks. if you removed that idea i could upvote this, but i like 90% of what you say.
I like all of your points apart from the First one with Air vents this would defeat Engineering your own air locks. if you removed that idea i could upvote this, but i like 90% of what you say.
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