PVP Balance Suggestions

Warlord shared this feedback 6 years ago

With the next big patch Marek has said they will be looking to balance gameplay and I imagine as part of this they will be finally looking at the much forgotten PVP side of the game that a lot of players enjoy.

I would like to see the following changed and added:

Warp drives:

  • Increase the time to warp
  • Add a Gravity Well - an anti warp drive. It could use most of the properties from the spherical gravity generator except instead of generating gravity it disables warping within its field. For balance reasons it would need to be pretty big 5x5 and also use up a lot of power when active

Ship Speed/Acceleration:

  • Make large ships have a slower top speed then smaller ships so that small ships can catch them. It wouldn't need to be much maybe 10m/s.


  • Currently the door on ships takes ages to grind but the wall next to it will only take a second or two. This seems silly but I'm not how it would be fixed.

Add New Weapons:

  • This game has been out for 4 years now and we still only have the 2 basic weapon systems - Gatling and rockets.
  • Flak Turret - A lot of players have suggested a flak turret that would help with smaller targets like fighters for big ships. I think this would be a good addition.
  • C4 for player weapons. Allow players to place small C4/explosives that stick to surfaces and remotely detonate them.
  • Different warhead sizes - It wouldn't take that much effort to offer players warheads in various sizes from the current 1x1 up to a 5x5 for maximum damage.

Weapon Hardpoints:

  • Currently one of the major issues with using player made weapons is how to release them. If you use merge blocks upon release the missile will scrape with the other merge block resulting in it going off course. I propose a new block that is a mixture of the connector and the merge block. It would take the features of the connector that allow to blocks to connect while keeping a space between them but would incorporate the merge blocks consistency in that blocks would always align at 90 degrees.

Replies (2)


I think maybe for the jump drive scrambler (including the stats already mentioned by warlord like being a 5x5 block) should have a charge up that can be held down, (and a cooldown once used, depending on the charge up time) and the longer it's held down the wider the range of the affected area, this way it cannot be spammed and cant just be an instant lock-up to any jump drive in a 10 KM radius. Maybe it could be a max radius of 2 KM at max charge and possibly kill the user's jump drives as well?

I think it should act as a sort of expanding bubble that once reaches its target will drop any jump drive down a certain percent. If a jump drive is inside the scramble bubble it will bring down a certain percent of charge to all jump drives on board as well. The closer the jump drive is to the scramble bubble's center the more percent the jump drive will lose. Meaning that if the attempted jumper plays it right he still has a chance to charge up his drives and escape after enough time passes.

Does this make any sense? Because I could always try to make a picture of my explanation if I didn't explain it well enough


Algo que deveria de tener el juego es una ventaja de producion (+% de refinado +producion de energia +producion de componete ) solo en las base no en naves capitales con el obetivo de veneficiar a las estaciones tabien seria nesesario incrementar la capacidad de los tankes de H2 para q exista una nesesidad de repostar cobustivle ya que actualmente es mejro colocar hielo y rellenar los tankes abordo de la nave

Un arbol de tegnologias que desbleque diferetes bloques ej un reactor de fusion (h2+uranio=energia ) armas esclusivas para naves capitales diferentes blindajes, escudos de energias ,misiles de crusero, torpedos ...... etc

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