[Public Test] Space Spawn ship is large grid?

Connor McCall shared this feedback 6 years ago

How come all the landers are small grid ships, while the Space Spawn ship is a fully-functional large grid vessel with ion thrusters? Space is already an "easier" start, so it hardly seems fair.

The whole point of the Survival Kit was to give an option to start with a small grid ship and work your way up.

Replies (3)


space adds a new dimension- No Air- that means a player would need a large grid ship if they want to take their helmet off. because large grids are the only ones that "offically" support airtightness and pressurisation.


I totally agree space start should also be small grid as it give a huge advantage over planet start.

Small grid cockpit give you the air you need and being able to remove helmet can wait.


I've reviewed the changes to the data files in the test build and it looks like we should still be able to mod this. I'm with you on starting with a small ship grid, though.

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