[Public Survival Test] H2 Power Generator - Suspend Suspense of Disbelief

Geneticus0 shared this feedback 6 years ago
  • Require O2 also be provided in space or anywhere O2 is not present outside the block.
  • If O2 is present but low, reduce max output, unless an O2 source is available from the conveyor system.
  • If it looks like a combustion Engine and animates like one, it is one.
  • Combustion requires an Oxidant.
  • Oxidant is an Oxygen base.

Don't butcher a realistic presentation for game elements due to a design not well planned.

Replies (4)


This seems needless, would make the game harder for no reason other than "it's more realistic". The hydrogen engines are meant to be a way to produce energy at a lower tier.


I agree that Oxygen should be required for the engine to run, though I feel like having max power output dependant on *how much* oxygen is available might be complicating things a little too much.


"low" and "medium" Oxygen levels in a room currently have no meaning at all. The player avatar can survive just as well in a "low" Oxygen environment as he can in a "high" Oxygen environment.

If the "low" and "medium" levels are ever to mean anything then it would make sense if...

1) The player avatar took damage at a rate proportional to the level of Oxygen in his environment

2) The Hydrogen Engine performed more or less efficiently proportional to the level of Oxygen available to it.

There... I talked myself out of it, then back into it! Works for me though. Voted!


Imagine a reason to put vents on your rovers as air intakes, just like real engines.


Well, we already need vents on vehicles to breathe so that's no big change ^^

Yeah I know, oxgen tank/generator works too, but that's the point : the actual hydro engine need hydo (duh...), hydro need an oxygen generator. The adding oxygen to the mix seems useless to me, as we still need the same oxygen generator to start with.


I like the idea of simply having to funnel oxygen as well as hydrogen into the engine itself but I really don't like the idea of using surrounding air. It just makes more sense for a ''middle/late space age'' combustion engine to be as airtight as possible even if it requires an influx of oxygen to work. I'd also expect some kind of exhaust would be nessesary too.


Did anyone raise the issue of the Hydrogen Engine defying the Laws of Thermodynamics yet?

In the real world, it takes as much energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen as you would get from burning those gases in order to release that energy. Not to mention that Hydrogen thrusters should require hydrogen AND oxygen in order to function- I know this is a game after all so certain allowances need to be made for the sake of fun vs realism, but... come on.

Not to mention the hydrogen engine needs to output a lot more energy to be worth while to start with considering it guzzles hydrogen/ice...




Finally, for a engineering game this is kinda bad. Hydrogen is not oil! Creating fuel takes more energy then burning fuel gives you! otherwise you are just creating energy from nowhere!

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