Proper Block Alternative For Joining Small To Large Grids

Warlord shared this feedback 6 years ago

In this game if we want to connect a small grid to a large grid we have to use the rotor trick which was fairly recently made an official feature. While this sort of works it creates a lot of issues and instability and is quite clumsy to do.

Instead of using rotors to do this (which makes no sense when you think about it) why not add a new block that would work similar to a merge block with all its stability and performance improvements.

This would also eliminate having to have two separate grids and thus be more stable.

Replies (5)


Yes! Thank you for posting this idea. While I appreciate the acceptance of the need for this functionality from the devs and their making the rotor loophole part of the game, that's all it is: a loophole. I'm not a psychic, so I don't know if they already have plans for this or not. Assuming they don't, they should. I have tried to build plenty of drone carrier ships with the ability to create new drones, but that is made much harder without a proper solution. Creating detailed and more functional interiors would also be much easier and more stable. I just hope the current solution gets a second pass sometime soon. I consider the ability to properly join large and small grids in a reliable and stable way free of annoying bugs to be an important game mechanic. If nothing else, Keen should make something like a few mods that already do this and change it as needed. The way I see it, if they added a loophole glitch officially, why not a proper solution with much of the work already done?


Being forced to make a rotor that you don't need just to be able to transition from a small to a large grid is just seriously frustrating . Your using up valuable CPU for nothing and attaching everything to an unstable rotor head. The alternative is to use connectors and that suck just as as bad. There is no exact way of aligning the two connectors properly. and as soon as the game miss calculates it for some reason or other you either get a collision that sends your ship flying endlessly in space or everything just explodes. We need a simple small merge block to connect the two even if they stay on separate grids.


I propose a small grid merge block that can attach to a large grid merge block to achieve the desired outcome =)


Same here, it would be so useful... I do large to small size block stuff all the time, it would be so much nicer to have an easier method of doing it.

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