Progression tree unclear

Menos Wansis shared this feedback 6 years ago

At no point in the game I had the feeling that the progression tree is helping me to understand the game. It is hidden in a tab of a menu, and no new player will ever find that. And even when it is open it is very unclear what is actually researched and what I need to do next.

- Consider adding icons to the right side of the screen suggesting 1-3 blocks that the player should place next.

- Make the visuals on the progression tree much clearer. I.E. unresearched tech should be at 50% transparency, researched tech fully visible. Tech that unlocks further blocks should have a thick blue border. Also apply that blue border to those blocks in the normal G menu, so I don't have to switch between menus all the time.

- Allow to skip progression for experienced players.

Replies (2)


I agree that the Progression Tree was unclear. Though I don't know about the specifics you recommend.

Aside: I'm guessing you didn't discover that you can double-click on an item in the Progression Tree to add it to your Toolbar just like you can in the blocks tab. You don't have to switch back and forth.


I didn't, but the general problem is that the progression tree is made solely for new players, so it has to be made for people who have absolutely no clue about the game. If the whole system is not dead-obvious, it is not going to help the one group of players that it is intended for.

That's why I say it has to be visually clear - without a doubt - what I am supposed to do.


I don't think it was "made solely for new players." In fact, I don't have the impression it was meant for new players at all. It seems like it was meant to provide game defined goals and is hopefully just a first iteration at that objective. Though personally I think it is redundant in this regard (because it is already necessary to build certain blocks before others if you don't already have the higher tier blocks).

Had it been meant for new players, it would be an even worse idea than it already is. New players would be helped far more by an AI (i.e. GoodBot) examining what blocks a player has built and/or has access to and making suggestions about what to build next as well as looking for soon to be problems (e.g. low fuel). I don't know if they are planning that or not, but they really should. Although I'm pretty disappointed in GoodBot at the moment. I was trying to ask it what ores the Basic Refinery could process and could not get any useful information out of it. It definitely needs work.


Agree: More contrast is needed between the researched and un-researched blocks.

There are a few techs that don't appear in logical order, most of them are good though, like how _all_ the decoration blocks are unlocked after just placing one interior block, makes sense. I didn't like having to place a hydrogen tank before a hydrogen thruster. The thrusters should just all appear at the same time, hydrogen thrusters run just fine straight from an H2 generator.

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