Power Improvement/Power Rationing

AmazonPromeMan shared this feedback 4 years ago

A simple idea I had in regards to power.

We've all been there, you just built a new addition to your base, maybe added one too many refineries or O2/h2 generators, and suddenly, everything shuts down, why you ask? because you don't have enough power to sustain everything.

Now this on its own makes sense, the blocks don't have enough power, so they don't work. However, its incredibly annoying and tedious to have to go through the control panel, turn off power consuming blocks, get enough power to use the assembler, then make a new battery. despite power being at the core of gameplay, its surprisingly primitive, power just runs into everything and anything, regardless of weather or not the block can be powered.

So I propose, a new menu in the inventory menus, right after the GPS tab. named "Power", in this tab you would see different folders for the blocks (conveyors, lcd's, production, ect). in this menu, you can set the power being sent to different blocks, as both a value (eg 15Mw) and as a percent. power will effect the efficiency of a block (acceleration of thrusters, speed that refineries and assemblers work at, rotation speed of gyros, ect) all blocks will work at their current level at 100% power. you can also set timers or programable blocks to raise or lower the power level of blocks.

Not only will this make the game more realistic. but it will cause players make more decisions in average gameplay, why add a bunch of new solar panels, when you could just turn some blocks to be using 50% power? in a dogfight, is it better to have power to thrusters, or to the shields? if your base is being attacked, is it better to increase power to your antenna, in hopes of getting help from nearby, or is it better to try and charge your jump drives faster and try to get away?

Replies (3)


A little off topic, but this could also play very nicely into thermal mechanics - run your blocks at lower power if heat's a problem, perhaps also allow a small "overclock" margin if your grid can handle both the power requirements and heat generation. This game has a lot of untapped potential and doesn't give us enough engineering problems to solve.


on top of that, make heat sensors, you could make scanners that can scan for and detect people from far away but only if they're running their blocks at a high power/high temperature


Maybe this can be done with a prioritylist


Power Segregation is necessary and I support this idea. I was just about to post "Let me control my power" and be done but this SE player really broke it down.

I grow tired of having everything run on the same system and no way to have a real backup system or separate my life support and defense systems from production or something. I want to have control of my power so that I can have Reactor and battery "A" power thrusters and ship systems while reactor and battery "B" are ready to go as backup if "A" is overloaded or damaged/destroyed. Meanwhile battery "C" runs Oxygen tanks, O2H2 gens and vents or something but is charged 50% by reactor "A" and 50% by a hydrogen engine.

That is the level of control I would like. Turret systems could still defend your base even in the event of a power loss from backup batteries managed to them. A bunch of (If And Or) commands I guess. Cause I would want to tell a power system to power specifically these blocks only unless (Blank) with blank being some condition that will allow it to supply power to other systems. Not sure if I just described one feature in two different ways. I suck at writing. I can rant though. Pro ranter. The rant master flex. Studied Rantology Dynamics. And we need control of are power. Be nice if I could use my power to play my MP3's on my Jukebox. I'm not one to hate on music but.....I can't fly through space bumping this BS bro. You could of Rick Rolled me and I would of been good cause that is actually a good song. Maybe let me play some MP4's on my LCD. Yeah...sometimes I actually sit my engineer on the couch because he or she be out there drilling and grinding by his or her self and literally built the world because they are literally the only person in the universe. I think my engineer deserves to sit on the couch and watch some anime with me. Just saying


Overhauling said power system would be really nice. The current workaround is really difficult to set up but not impossible. I been working on Subsystem Relay Logic with timer blocks, the system can do exactly what you described, prioritize power, and control subsystems. But as it was mentioned this is VERY PRIMITIVE, I shouldn't have to overengineer timer logic with blocks that are basically just transistors. This is all it really is. Not sure when they would even consider reworking the power management problem but one thing is for sure, I'm still working on a workshop collection for this exact problem.

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