possable new update

Cody Smith shared this feedback 5 years ago

So i have had space engineers for quite some time and I have a few ideas for some improvements to enhance survival. The ideas should not be put into a DLC becasue they should be in the main game. the new charactor weapons and tool can go into a DLC but the rest CAN NOT.

1. Add more Biomes to make exploring Earth-like, moon, mars, ext. more enjoyable.

2. Add more A.I. creatures and ships. on the ships there can be fake characters that try to defend their ship and the caption and pilot can make maneuvers to try to shake you off their trail.

2.1. To go with A.I, add abandoned mines, cities, space stating that can be raided or claimed. Add more ships in planets and rovers that drive around.

2.2. Add passive A,I, as well such as cows, sheep, ext.

3. Add more starting ammo or make a way to create ammo with stone from basic refinery. stone>any-refinery>.01 magnetism>after a while that can be used to make ammo in the assemblers.

4. Add a more of a survival game-play of needing food and water. Add two new blocks called nourishment station that can make bottled water and different variants of food, and a hydro-farm that is a 3x3x3 block that makes 3 different spots that make food that can be used to make food.

4.1. Add a sleep aspect to the game. for example when you have the bed from DLC you can lay down and make time pass 50% faster and make the cryo pod have a new section to the settings to not let you out until at the set time. can have the option to change between militarily time and regular time.

5. Add more weapons such as a shotgun, pistol, sniper, and new ship weapons such as prototype lazier-rifle ( name "prototype e-4763B") the weapons here are not necessary, but might make the fighting more fun becasue the weapon here now have been used too much and are getting boring.

5.1. add a new tool called Terra-former that can be used with dust to make custom planets and edit/ add terrain (should be cheap and easy to make in the starting/early-game. the drill can still be used to remove terrain and the drill and Terra-former can have a mode to switch to for flatting the land.

6. add more solar-systems that can be found in a possible new block called interstellar map. this map can show you possible new solar systems, asteroids, and can be tested with a in-game/ programmed script that can be put in to a custom/player made probe/satellite.

6.1. add new planets with different biomes, sizes and shapes (does not have to be a sphere). make asteroids have a higher chance to have ores. (most asteroids i have come across have little to no ores and the veins are small.)

6.2. make the visuals in space look nicer with nebula's that you can absorb with a vent and a new block called dust. this dust can be used in the Terra-former to make you own custom planet in vanilla. another way to make dust is by taking gravel and putting into the survival kit. should not yield much, but should give a decent amount.

hopefully you take this into consideration and add the new features to the base game. I feel they will make a huge improvement to the game-play and the overall fell of building and exploration of the game. as mentioned before the weapons and Terra-forming can be in a DLC but don't change the prices on any DLC it goes in and nothing else can go in the DLC. Thank you and email me at my email i used for creating my account for any questions and i will be happy to answer you. Thank you.

Replies (2)


i love all of it and want 100% of this in the game


i agree. thank you for supporting my idea.


Many of these would kill CPU and RAM usage.

#1 is good. We need more biomes.

#2 is doable, but AI can get predictable and it's difficult to write these encounters well.

2.1 is a ton of effort, would probably require lore writing, which isn't one of Keen's strengths, and is one of the things that would kill sim speed. Possible, but not practical.

2.2 is not a great idea. Animals wouldn't serve too much of a purpose outside of food, which I'm about to talk about.

#3 is definitely not something I'd like to see ingame anyway, because it means that no particular effort is required to get more ammo.

#4 adds a bit *too* much survival complexity to the game, without the accompanying realism. Food alone could be annoying to some people, and you'd need a new resource for it to create farms, which would in turn force a redesign of the respawn ships and a number of other lovely issues that would by themselves be enough to make a new update.

#5 is good enough, although we don't really need too many weapons. This isn't a shooter. Shotgun especially isn't really needed. I like the idea of a pistol (starter survival weapon: shorter effective range, lower accuracy, and different ammo than AR). Sniper isn't *really* needed, but an anti-materiel rifle might be good for fighting off drones and other "hard" targets. Reloading for weapons (which you might have forgotten to include) would also be good. I think you're missing a rocket launcher or charge packs, for when you need to go suit v. ship. Either way, remember that we're space engineers, not space marines.

I don't know what you're trying to do with 5.1. It looks like a creative tool for editing planets? Sounds kinda shifty...

#6 might be doable, but it would absolutely murder sim speed to basically be running two servers squeezed into one.

I agree with 6.1 mostly. We need more planets (although maybe not that many in one world, we have enough lag already), but there is supposed to be at least a little scarcity in ore.

6.2 is just not good. You should not be able to customize planets in survival, period. This is supposed to be tech 30 years from now with a few allowances for convenience over realism, not sci-fi to the maximum.


thank you for you feedback. i do agree it does kill you CPU.


sorry would have said more but i had to go. i defiantly agree with you. the game is already very complex and does lots to run. all these will take a lot more and some things are just pointless but would be cool to see or have.

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