Playlist, Pause, Next and Previous feature for Soundblock

Patrick Berg shared this feedback 6 years ago

I would love to control the soundblock like a basic music player.

Multiple sound mods make the current interface very unintuitive.

There is also no reasonable way to skip tracks/sounds via scripting.

Other nice to have features:

  • Show name/title of current sound/playlist on LCD
  • create/mange playlists via scripting
  • navigate playlists (to play a different album/ambience sounds)
  • "shuffle" mode
  • rename sounds before shown on LCDs (In case their initial names are not serving your purpose)

Replies (2)


Just wanted to make a suggestions to add capability of create playlists for sound blocks (similar to lcd screens that can cycle through images). Your idea is that and more.


add more info to "Block.SelectedSound" it only able to show id name.

like to see:

  1. "Block.SelectedSound.ID" for current.
  2. "Block.SelectedSound.Name" showing name of the song.
  3. "Block.SelectedSound.Lengkt" showing total lengkt of song. useful to now if a song has stopt playing
  4. "Block.SelectedSound.Artist" showing composer of song.
  5. "Block.SelectedSound..Time" showng current play time remainig/to go.

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