Place to report player for abusive/offensive behaviour?

Gorwyn shared this feedback 5 years ago

Unfortunately I've not found anywhere else to post this, but myself and several members of a server need to report a player for grossly offensive behaviour on Official UK#7.

If this is not the place for it, I apologise and please forward the report as needed.

Long story short;

Player "-H4CK3R- (ID: 76561197982265089)" has been harassing players on UK#7 through abuse of the spawn mechanic and went as far as putting a Swastika on our Jewish friend's base after he raided it. (photos attached)

Obviously this was upsetting for our friend and the whole server found it very tasteless but we don't know where the appropriate forum for reporting this behaviour is.

Thank you,


Replies (2)


same here for Stone Industries Man of stone has gone rouge and banned me and other faction members for grinding up the base of a thief whom used us to build a gridlimit station which was to be shared among the faction he was hindering use of the game mechanics by being an enemy and within 2km of our bases rendering our hangars useless and also had a jump inhibitor active keeping us from moving to and from our established area tried to build a box around it effectively booting it like a parking violation and it got bumped so we popped it shield and tried to move it away where the shields came back on and bugged it launching it into pvp where it became fair game also didnt even get to use my paid for tech basically i got a hamburger and was taken from me before i was finished with it


only server on all of space engineers worth playing on and i cant play on it anymore

there goes $70 USD to the ether and $30 to tebex for the tech i bought

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