Particle effects for Hyperspace exit

CptSavarus shared this feedback 6 years ago

Currently when you activate a jump drive there's a particle effect at the "point of entry" but only a fast-zoom effect at the "point of exit". This makes the experience of using a Jump drive very forgettable & anticlimactic, especially after a player has spent hours building up resources to the point he can afford to build his first jump-capable ship & is really excited to use it for the first time. The sounds, the particle effects, the build-up of anticipation... and then nothing.

I propose adding a simple particle effect at the "point of exit" as well. This would give the player some positive & memorable visual feedback that yes, he did just do that cool thing. It's a reward for spending time building a jump-capable ship.

Replies (6)


I know it probably can't (or shouldn't) be done, but I wanted to see a ship actually spaghettify when jumping... literally stretch the ship in game from point A to point B, before snapping it back to size at point B. Would be a cool effect to witness (star trek jump to warp!) But I'm positive it would be detrimental to just about everything performance related. Still, would be a nifty effect.


The actual effect (IFF something like that would be possible) would probably look like:

1) ship just appears/disappears

2) too much light/darkness at the place of dis/appearance

3) ship just shrinks to nothingness / enlarges from point to real size


"I'm positive it would be detrimental to just about everything performance related."

Lucky for you, you are likely completely wrong! Stretch functions are fundemental to 3D engines and should be very simple to implement, likely having zero performance impact due to no additional geometry actually being rendered!

Likewise, the ship could also be blue/red-shifted depending if it's jumping toward/away from an observer, as oberver-relative behavior is yet another feature that 3D engines not only support but fundementally rely upon to function!

This would, of course, require a highly-skilled programmer who works with the engine's fundemental 3D functions, which I doubt this company has any more of at this point. Still, it's fun to think about the possibilities if this game were still in it's prime!



What are you doing?!

This suggestion's been inactive for 3 years and the only reply within the last 5 years was a spam bot!

Thanks for generating a notification for all of us who've moved on & no longer give a toss about something that never happened and, at this point never will.


Also, please stop abusing the word fundamental. It never did anything to hurt you!


I think that there should be a timer for how long you are in Hyperspace, too. This way ships in the area of the destination can see the effect (that could start shortly before you "exit the Hyperspace") as a warning that something is coming towards them


There should be a timer for how long you are in Hyperspace, too. Then the ships in the area of your destination could see the effect (which could start shortly before you "exit") as a warning that something is coming.


I kind of wish the jump drive wasn't a teleporter but actually made the ship fly very very fast, the ship wouldn't be able to turn and players wouldn't be able to leave their seat, then people who are not in the ship doing the jump could see the ship woosh off into the distance with a trail behind where the ship went for a few seconds... that would be pretty cool.


Yeah, I really wish there was a flash then a trail of light following a ship at the beginning and end of every "Jump".


Why the hell are you linking us to that?!

Wrong forum mate!

This is the suggestions pages for Space Engineers!

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