Ore Detector Rework

Doomed Person shared this feedback 4 years ago

Make Ore Detectors active instead of passive. Instead of constantly scanning for ore while hogging PCU, they should be a block tool. Using them sends out a "ping" and marks nearby ore on your HUD for a few seconds. Probably a short recharge time as well, for sim speed realism.

This allows more options for ore detectors without risking performance. For example, we could have a long-range ore detector instead of having to spend ten minutes in flight time for each asteroid explored. Or a large conical ore detector that has the range to scan from the air, so that prospecting ships don't have to fly impractically low.

Replies (4)


I like the long range directional ore detector idea. This works towards more of a minigame to search for it. Needing to orient the scanner to pick something up. With high directionality you can pinpoint the ore it if it happens to be inside the cone. If not inside the cone then you need to come up with a search pattern to narrow it down. For really long range some kind of vague ore content representation.


I've also wanted directional ore detectors for a long time so I could have one with much longer range without the performance problems. It would make for much more interesting gameplay since it would allow for more engineering and for deeper ore deposits. Even the model suggests that it should be sending out either a beam or a disk rather than a sphere.

I was disappointed to learn that the ore detector's area can't even be modded to be offset to semi-simulate a directional beam. Just the addition of a simple offset slider in-game would be enough to mostly satisfy the need for improvement to the current ore detector.

I really like the idea for an active detector. One that has to charge up to send out a pulse instead of constantly consuming power (and irl computing resources).


Wish people would just name their threads what the actual request is instead of some vague divination. Literally the first sentence in the text would have been so much more helpful and inviting as a thread title.—

Anyhow, voted. I like the ping idea. And there is also the radio spectrometry mod that requires aiming the detector but works at greatly increased range and could serve as inspiration. (The only "downside" of this mod is that, to place a GPS bookmark to indicate that you've already scanned it and perhaps also what ores it holds, you still have to visit it in person.)



I thought about that too. My idea would be some kind of connection/collaboration of the ore detector with an antenna and/or programmable block or turret controller that would lead to a 100% increase of the detection range. That seems to be a fair in-game solution to boost ore detection. It would make antennas or antenna dishes also more useful. (The antenna function itself would be deactivated that way.)

What do you think?

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