No easy way to refill small rovers with H2

Komrad shared this feedback 4 years ago

Thoroughly enjoying the new wasteland DLC and the revamped H2 settings. My issue is with small rovers that you can make now with the buggy cockpits are too small for connectors. My rover is an even width not an odd width to accommodate a connector. I'd rather like to avoid having to use hinges, connectors, O2/H2 Generators as they are too big and ruin the esthetic I'm trying to build. Would it be possible to have a mini-connector to facilitate easier refilling? Perhaps repurposing the ejector to connect to other ejectors for easy fuel transfer. Anything would be appreciated as it is quite frustrating.

Replies (2)


8464d966ac3d6a5a6713c8559aeb41a3How is a 1x1 hinge too big? I recharge and refuel my vehicles through a small hinge, which doubles as a towing hitch for trailers.


It's not too big, perhaps I should clarify. I prefer the esthetic of the the ejector over an empty socket for a hinge. In addition my rover cannot use hinges as a hitch because it would be off center and make driving exceptionally difficult.

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