New Jumpdrive Idea

Ellis Richard Stokes shared this feedback 5 years ago

Instead of the jumpdrive Teleporting you in a split second it instead It takes time to travel the distance like Star wars/ Star trek.

Replies (4)


So are you proposing that no object of mass could travel through space in no time as that would require the object to accelerate to light speed, which would require an infinite amount of energy? That sounds convincing. I'll give a thumbs up.


Instead of instant telephoning, move faster, I like the idea, perhaps just make it so asteroids don't spawn around you while doing it. It'd also be awesome for others you pass to see a streak of light pass them by. though i believe they made it instant teleport, because they already had the command integrated into the game and so that players can't see a fast moving object to follow it. The ascetic seem more cool going really fast. just not feasible in a pvp setting. Also, something like that could be Modded into the game. Activate jump drive and instead of activating a keyword in the API for jump drive, it could activate spectator view at maximum speed then teleport your ship to the destination, upon reaching it. Engage Ludicrous speed! HAHA , i like it!


I like the idea on paper, but gameplay wise I can just see it being used for unavoidable light speed torpedoes like that purple haired chick in The Last Jedi.

Something I'd like is for Jump Drives to already be charged when placed in Creative Mode.


This seems pretty similar to this existing suggestion with 70 votes:

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