New better balanced survival game campaign

rGlory shared this feedback 5 years ago


I've been playing some time for SP on survival game and found it really interesting and challenging. But unfortunately survival game as it is made currently is badly balanced and now I am really thinking of abandoning this game. Let me explain.

I started on "easy game" with earth like planet. So it is quite challenging and interesting, harvesting manually, then start some automation, making rover and so on. The thing that flying ships are easier to maintain in many aspects is quite disappointing though, but we can leave with it. Really disappointing part is this - I spent quite some time and love to build planetary base and as soon as I reached asteroids and built ion ship there is no reason to maintain that planetary base anymore. Zero. Even pull resources you already harvested and processed does not make any sense - you need would hydrogen thrusters based ship and consume ice for it, but you would just faster get the same resources from asteroids with ion based one.

Same thing with hydrogen based ship - you made it work first, went through challenges with it to get some platinum and uranium with it, that's it you can simply trash it - there is no purpose for it anymore, just fly around on ion thrusters and consume everything on asteroids easily. End of game.

I understand some people plays this game just to create some rover or ship for the sake of creating it or show it on youtube, but for some of us it would be interesting to use your creations to achieve something and to make progress. And fix for this is really simple, make resources unique per planet/asteroid or at least hard to get on other places. Or even create new kind of ores and new kind of blocks with the same target. Then planetary bases will have purpose - to gather unique resources. Then hydrogen ship has purpose - to lift thous resources from the planet. And whole campaign would be more interesting and challenging - you would need to build bases on many planets, establish communications btw them and probably automate whole process. And you can add couple Steam achievements for this campaign to be done in vanilla mode.

For thouse who would complain that it may ruin their space game, I am not suggesting to have this settings everywhere. Just to have a separate campaign world with this settings. Interesting part is - to create such campaign you do not really need to change the game much only the way resources are generated in the world and the end target of the game. Even without creating new ores and blocks that can be achieved quite easily, with them that would be even better!


Replies (1)


Not sure if anybody cares here, but just want to finish my thoughts.

Current "never surrender" game is a step towards great campaign, but sad part it is created by somebody who either did not think deep or had tunnel vision. If you look into gameplay itself, it is designed quite bad - no matter what planet you start probably most efficient startegy is to get couple stones to build a few small batteries, disassemble survival and the use your jetpack to fly into space with material to establish survival with some power on nearest asteroid with ice. Then all games become the same - asteroid based, planets are for background beauty. And it makes it even sadder that without changing any mechanics of the game itself, only manipulating resource generation mechanism you can solve it.

But to make it even better I think slight change can be implemented:

1 Make transportation cost for ores significantly more expensive than ingots (if it is not already done, but even so reconsider that balance carefully to have multiple choices comparable so would give people more choices), not prohibitively more, but some. So some may prefer to process ores on the planet and transport ingots, some decide to make mega base to process ores and move them to the central place.

2 Instead of speed, power efficienthy and yield modules have catalists, which must be created from resources that do not exist locally or available in very limited amount and remote locations. Biggest difference - unlike modules they are consumed in process with lower amount that ores so to create efficient process a player will have to create transportation routes hubs etc.

These 2 options itself will create a huge gameplay campaign - you start with nothing on a planet, you create a base, then you crate a space port with hydrogen tanks, then you go on different planets and asteroids and establish them there, make tarnsportation routes btw them and finally create enough to solve the main target of the mission. I think this will create long interesting gameplay for many people. Just check how many people play Factorio, or even OpenTTD.


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