New antenna and landing gears

Boldtaar shared this feedback 4 years ago

Please add new variety of antenna and landing gears for large grids.

The current ones are far to often to big to use smaller on large grid ships.

Maybe add retractable landing gears to the Spark of future DLC?

Also be fun if you could expand on the antenna game play with different modules (radar, jump- and signal-jamming,)

Replies (5)


yea different sized antennas are really needed, they could have smaller sizes they cover


you can engineer retractable landing gears with ease these days


that's not the issue


Large ship landing gear is comparatively small. The size isn't an issue unless you're trying to perform a function that would be better accomplished with a small ship.

The large ship antenna is actually a bit too big, especially for its effectiveness. There would be a significant improvement without much effort involved if they were to extend the large antenna's range and add a single-block small large ship antenna.

They've already confirmed that there will be no retractable landing gear block. I don't think it's likely that they will change their minds, especially because it's pretty easy to make your own. Adding it to a DLC also would break their promise of no new functional blocks in DLCs.

Adding new content based on antennas might sometimes be of limited use. Nobody's going to leave an antenna on to jump to when they can just mark GPS coords. Radar might work in some way, but I think we'd need a separate block for that. Signal jamming just doesn't achieve anything.


Question about small large grid antenna was asked during Devs Lost In Space stream so bumping this one.

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