Never surrender Scenario not very intuitive

Mike shared this feedback 6 years ago

From reading the description i thought you can fight the battle on those planets that you can spawn on, OR in space. But It doesnt make sense to spawn on any planet or moon, since there are no enemies there.

Also your mission is to protect your beacon, but when it gets destroyed, you don't get a message that you`ve lost. Instead the message "take your time and head towards one of the outposts when you are ready" (or so) keeps coming up after every 15 minutes or so. But there is no new Outpost showing up, and there are no new waves coming in either. So what are you supposed to do after the beacon is destroyed?

Replies (2)


Yep... Nice try but it needs work. Also, there needs to be some limit of time or some trigger event to start it as I went ALL weekend, before I crashed and lost the game. In that time I was able to build a solid ship, gather many resources, take out a couple of mining haulers, and effectively become well established. And I hadn't even gone to the base yet to start the scenario.

Maybe it triggers after so many PCU, or some other event but you cannot leave it open ended like that to start.


a bit of a hot mess

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