Multi-crew ships with player made turrets

Molten Carnage shared this feedback 6 years ago

Hey Keen,

One question; why have you not allowed for multi-crew ships to work with player made turrets? This seams like a no brainer that this would be part of the game given it's very nature. The players want this to happen, just read the forums. Players have made multi-crew ships with player made turrets that just sit there and can't be used because once a player is in the pilot seat, player made turrets sit there limp as a soggy biscuit. Case in point: Whiplash141 has discussed this at length in his MART (Mouse Aimed Rotor Turret) mod's discussion forum. His mod would facilitate player made turrets to function with a Control seat designated to each individual or set of player made turrets if it were not the limitation, or bug depending on your view, imposed in the code directing the grid's pilot or control seat. Just imagine the epic battle's that could be happening with multi-crew ships that have functioning player made turrets as the pilot maneuvers in between large battle ships. It's every sci-fi-aholic's fantasy to take a multi-crew ship and turn the tables on a larger, more powerful ship with 4 of their buddies controlling 4 multi-ordinance player made turrets. Keen, come on, you got to see what a boost this will add to Space Engineers, don't chya?

Replies (1)


Better support for Multi-Crew ships is a must! Co-op is the main reason my friends and I play, and this is a really limiting factor.

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