Mover Tool

Kristof Danckaert shared this feedback 5 years ago

Did not find this back in the suggestions at fast look, and nothing in the workshop. Could there be a tool to MOVE a single block from one position to another while keeping all its settings.

Sometime you just need to get that LCD one block to the left, and then you need to delete, create and set it again.

Also containers would be moved with their content.

I used to have this in another game that I will not mention here. :)

Replies (1)


That would be great, especially for those cases where you'd want to make a build longer, but do so "in the middle". Currently, this is only possible with significant cutting and merge block shenanigans, if at all.

That said, imagine a block being attached at multiple sides, possibly even opposing ones. How would you expect getting that block out of its surrounding without it horribly clanging out?

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