More weapons

Joseph Thompson shared this feedback 4 years ago

Game needs more weapons like nuclear warheads and different types of explosives. Also maybe sniper rifles and pistols/shotguns

Replies (2)


Also make the bombs with options for timed detination/ altitude point detination/ impact detination


Nuclear warheads would be disastrous in PvP because we don't have the investment or infrastructure necessary for MAD strategy and the usual scale of nukes is complete devastation. Also, there's practically no limit on nuclear proliferation, so it's almost impossible to prevent a base from getting hit by a random or plausibly deniable nuclear raid.

You'd have to clarify on different types of explosives. Adding bigger or smaller bombs doesn't really do much for the complication that it creates, while something like a short-range EMP could be interesting.

You can attach sensors and timers to your missiles for proximity/timed/position detonation.

Hand weapons would also need to add significantly to gameplay to be worthwhile. Typical FPS weapons don't really do all that much outside of suit-to-suit.

For example, a shotgun has shorter range and higher damage. Realistically, you're never going to be in a situation where the AR isn't a perfectly adequate substitute. Why spend time adding it? On the other hand, a rocket launcher can perform suit-to-grid and AoE, both of which are roles that the AR is ineffective in, while being practically useless in a suit-to-suit situation. It would be a much better addition to SE.

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