More intuitive blueprint menu functions

CptSavarus shared this feedback 6 years ago

Hello team!

The new blueprints menu has burried the editing functions for blueprints (Rename, Take Screenshot, etc) beneath an "Edit" button.

This is counter-intuitive and only serves to make these functions harder to find & slower to use.

Please consider doing away with the "Edit" button altogether & having the various option buttons appear in the details panel when a blueprint is selected with RMB.

Please also consider doing away with the "Copy to clipboard" button and instead use double-click LMB to perform this function, as it did previously with the old blueprints menu.

Less buttons and less layers = easier to look at, easier to navigate, faster to use.

Many thanks.

Replies (1)


I agree with this, the extra clicking required is tedious when everything could be presented in one screen. I would also add more information to the info tab such as creation date and update date, and please show a list of missing modded blocks.

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