Merge Block Ship Identities

Jack Washington shared this feedback 5 years ago

When one un-merges ships joined by a merge block, they get renamed as a new grid. The same rules that apply when connecting ships via connectors should be applied to merge blocks, where they are separate ships, and remain so, but share power and control. This would simply be both convenient and consistent with other connection methods.

Replies (2)


I was going to give the same feedback, I'm making a modular ship and it's really annoying to have to rename every time I merge.

Most likely I'll be able to create a script that fixes that, will reply here if I make it so.


Perhaps merge block should have a field that sets/stores name of the ship once un-merge gets triggered?


Yeah, I wouldn't mind if it goes on the custom data field, although there it might bother other scripts(?)

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