Make Multistage Rocketry Great Again

Thales shared this feedback 6 years ago

Do you remember this video:

This was awesome. But later tank or H2 thruster specs changed and multistage ships became completely unnecessary because single stage ships became too easy to make and fly to the orbit.

IMO, single stage ships should be harder to design and if players need to send high-weight cargo to orbit, then it would require multistage rockets be cheaper/easier than single stage ships. Challenging way to build single stage rockets would also be more fun.

To do achieve this there may be additional H2 tank mass when it's full. Also some other balance changes on thruster specs.

Replies (2)


I think it is impossible without either of:

a) nerfing Hydrogen Thrusters + Tanks

b) greatly increasing speed limit and distances

I think none is feasible ...

a) would render hydro propulsion de-facto useless

b) would require deep redesign of physics engine with questionable results


Yeahhh that's gonna be a "no" from me. Hydrogen thrusters are underpowered and resource hungry enough as it is. We don't need nerfed hydros.

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