Love the Game, hate the UI

Der T-Rex shared this feedback 5 years ago

Deal Keen Software House Team,

I have eben playing Space Engeneers for a few years now and I still enjoy it every time i play it. So first of all, Thank you for this Game!

Now to my Problem: the current UI

I like the look of the basicly all Interfaces in SE, but its so hard to organize your stuff bouth in the Inventory Screen aswell as the control Planel screen.

Trying to organice the Inventory of al my Cargocontainers, Refeinerys, aAssemls and what not in my massiv Base is a Projekt in its own. Since the only way to view the inventorys of my base is in a massiv list, its so hard to get a feeling for howmany steelplates I have spread around all containers for example. Or to transfer my just mined ores from my ship to the cargocontainers of my base... esspecialy because you can only see 3-4 inventorys at a time...

A similar problem is the organisation off all the lights and machines and so on. While you can make groups there, that doest rly help to much, as i know have 20 groups for my lights I need to scroll through as i want to rename the one new block i just placed. We need the option to make a Group ( and i dont meed the objects in the group, but the NAme of the group at the top of the list) invisible. Or some form of a hierarchy for the List or something else!!

Someone made a post on the forum about the same Problem:

I realy hope that the ui gets an upgrade soon, as i would love to extend my base even more!

Thank you.

A longtime lover of Space Engeneers

Replies (2)


Could really use some way of organizing UI better. Always having to type first few letters or everything you need isn't fun.

Maybe would be good to have expendable lists for the control panels instead of one gigantic list.

And for inventory manager: leave the current display system as an option for people who care about which cargo container holds which items, but also make a more simple way of transferring items from whatever container to the player or another container just by clicking. Some of the inventory manager mods are a reference.

On a general note: the game gets very messy to manage once you have complex grids, in parts because of terrible UI: tiresome finding of specific containers when moving stuff around , no camera zoom freedom when in a cockpit of a large station or ship and browsing the control panel list are some issues that could use some improvement.


Absolutely. The GUI is so idiosyncratically wasteful, unwieldy, and hard-to-read, it makes you wonder why there's a GUI in the first place. Might as well turn SE into a text adventure.

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