Just a Feedback

Corey Mabbitt shared this feedback 6 years ago

I love the way the game got harder, power needs balancing, fuel tanks were small, I saw you guys talking about balancing it, but with small hydrogen miner I could only visit 2-3 asteroids without loosing fuel and it needs 10 H20 Generators to be able to produce as much fuel as we loose on flight. On 12 asteroids that I have visited i found 1 empty, 10 had only cobalt and 1 had cobalt and silver. Also, if you guys already made it harder so we can't move as much at the start, I don't know why you made uranium not spawn on planet. Just make it 10x more scarce like it is on real life, people who do find it fight over it, I think it would be more fun that way as well. Everything else I LOVE about the patch. Made us more weary of materials and what we use them for. Love you KEEN, keep up the good work!

Replies (3)


Uranium isnt scarce IRL. Just for you Americans, Im Canadian, us and the Russians have PLENTY, thats why we sell it to you.


Actually it's not that rare. Ore with sufficient saturation to make extraction cost effective is what is rare. It is really bad on the environment to mine though. That's why we buy it from other countries instead of mining our own deposits....


I don't know why would yo get angry with me, i'm Balkan :)


And the truth is, it IS rare, if it can only be found in couple of countries. But noone mentioned countries beside you, i was stating planet Earth.

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