i find weather damage is too much

Hans Peter shared this feedback 4 years ago

Why does my small car get striked by Thunderbolt twice a minute and getting destroyed, while i am right next to a 9 block high wind turbine?

Maybe you can add a more in depths configuration for weather effects, an predictable behavior of lightning/damage.

Maybe even a lightning rod :)

Replies (3)


it is also so frustrating to remove the entire wether system to avoid lightning strike damages. I want to experience the weather system but i cannot because of this strikes...


That's right, best setting for weather system is: disabled! I'm sorry but this is no "weather system". That are some nice superficial graphical effects and nothing more.


Lightning damage. On objects that are made of steel. Which conducts electricity. Like a lightning rod. Which was invented to prevent damage from lightning strikes to objects made from materials of lesser conductivity.

Promising candidate for the Dumbest Idea Keen (And Nobody Else) Thought Would Be A Great Idea.


I'm okay with a little bit damage and smoking effect but when the lightning follows you around to the point where you are constantly repairing your base ceiling from being completely destroyed every 15 minutes, it's no longer adding ambiance to the game and it's now a bit trollish.

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