Hydrogen Scoop

Jappards shared this feedback 5 years ago

I don't think hydrogen should be gotten easily considering how useful it is. A hydrogen farm would be yet another blow to planets, considering how plentiful ice is there and how much easier it is to use solar power and oxygen farms in space.

Hydrogen scoops can only be used on a planet or moon with an atmosphere. The amount scooped is proportional to the speed of the ship combined with air density and a constant for each planet or moon with an atmosphere(.i.e. you can find more hydrogen on the alien planet than on earth for example). The hydrogen scoop needs to be pointed at the direction of travel for this to work.

Hydrogen scoops would provide drag while scooping which is equal to air density and speed. This is to add weight to the scoop while making it more difficult to create an effective.

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but they want people to interact with the planets, also creates points of tension for larger factions so they might have to fight.


Whether ice causes conflicts depends on how much there is. On, mars, there is only ice on the poles and on mountains. On Earth and Alien, you can fly to a different "icelake" if you have to. In orbit, it is easier to spot and fly to them also. Mars has less hydrogen available for my scoop as well.

There would still be a reason to go to icelakes and poles/mountains, because it is easy to get.

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