Hydrogen O2 Nerfs

bill shared this feedback 5 years ago


Universal Ships Ice Weigh's alot

Hard to balance for survival.

Limited Fuel TIme ( why nerf it when its a con allready )

Sub par decent performance in all atmosphere and space.

Tight Compact Desings not much room for error.

This is what i thought of o2 gens before the nerf's a hydrogen build would have never been op due to the limited fuel time it can operate in any atmosphere and space its a jack of all trades and a master of none.

Now for example: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1426808371

tell me how many people made a build of this level at this size what preformed its a very small margin of players who could produce a survival ready hydrogen RELIANT build to begin with.

you literally have no room for error in a build like that add to much its over weight , oh i need to make it bigger adds more weight oh i have no room for reactor's or oh i need more thrusters like and then try making it look good as you make it survival ready the amount of players who have done it are legit next to none so 98% of the community would not be affected by the nerf's but it directly effect's any one who had a dream to build a hydrogen build and trying to make it compact and function.

you killed a building style that you never ment to kill to begin with because you never new of its existence.

like the only other person who tryed to make a hybrid built that i legit respected was aragath he inspired my hydrogen build dream but i took it one step further and wanted to get as close to 100 % hydrogen reliant as i could ( well keeping the fuel times some what decent ) now its seems like a pipe dream to even attempt it the value was barley there to begin with.

the only thing i legit enjoyed doing was failing at making small compact hydrogen build's because to find the shape's needed and get the weight to thruster ratio right as well as keeping the flight times good was hard " KSW THO ( Lets Fuck That Up ) "

A big thank you to the dev team tho finally pushed me to the point of uninstalling the game, and this isnt the first time ive pointed out mistakes you made with thruster's you also reverted it once before due to my complaint.

and for the fyi i played this game for over 4 years i adapted to alot of changes to reactor ratio power to thruster ratio's. but i refuse to play your game when you butcher hydrogen or hydrogen related flight times.

but i kept building long and behold i adapted to them changes and still produced design's despite the constant changes made to the game but hydrogen is not something i think had any wiggle room and you went and fucked that up ( not a change im willing to play through ) you lost me on this one KSW good luck.

Replies (3)


i also understand there's more then one view point you can look at the cursor for the example ( it has a cargo container connected to a conveyor junction - what connect's all of the main components the oxygen gens so on, so you could do that method to overcome the problems with gens not holding enough yet again that causes the problem of more ice weight in the cargo container's what creates a slower build overall what has a larger frame i would have been alot more accepting of the changes if we had some warning so people did not waste there time for year's trying to figure out there own method's to solve a problem. it just seems a little stupid and in all of the time the cursor's been out no ones came close to making something as good for its size and fuel times but in saying so, space engineers has been released since 2011 or something correct me if im wrong and all of a sudden 8 years down the track you decide oh got it to change it like there's another way to solve the problem but i dont agree with it and your forcing people to make larger builds and to go with a method similar to the cursor your forcing it down that avenue at this point were is the uniqueness in doing something that had been built by another builder your cutting of avenues of creativity at some point.


Need help I built a ship put on o2 generator and hydrogen tank o2 gen can’t fill hyd tank while thrusters are on flight time 10km so put on 4 o2 gens flight time still 10k is this a bug or is it because you have reduced inventory space on Xbox beta a battery operated ship has a flight time of 20 min with 2 med battery’s how am I ever gonna leave the planet ??


in my personal opinion, hydrogen energy, and hydrogen fuel in GENERAL is fucked beyond beleif, the consumption and production rates are too skewered for it to work properly, be enjoyable, or give fair challange to the player.

when you make 80% of the players survival game time into Mining ice to fuel their craft, and then force them to refuel said craft over and over and over.

honestly, build i made in Just a little while ago was a pure H2 powered build save for startup emergency batteries of course. the thing had 3 hydrogen tanks. i fuled it up to 100%, let the 4 small batteries i had on board charge up, then took off.

it took a nearly 2/3s of my hydrogen just to get into space. and this is WITH a speed mod that allows me to break the 100M/S speed limit.

that's genuinely unacceptable.

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