Helmet-less suits and/or toxic environments

Selben Antonias shared this feedback 6 years ago

I suggest that it is possible to start as an engineer with a suit whose helmet/visor cannot be closed. Not as the default for all games, but as an option for certain scenarios and for 'hardcore' survival.

As part of a natural progression, you would eventually be able to build & equip a better suit in the Medical Room, which at the moment functionally offers little over the Survival Kit, except letting you change skins. Perhaps it could require, say, some Medical Components or some other resource that is harder to come by in the early game.

With an open helmet, you can only spend a few seconds outside and therefore have a much stronger incentive to build ships with cockpits, or drones for mining, welding and grinding, as well as having a pressurised hangar to assemble said ships. It would slightly nerf the Passenger-Seat-plus-Remote-Control tactic for starter ships, as you'd need to build a drone or a full cockpit instead to survive.

At the moment, the energy, oxygen and jetpack hydrogen mechanics mean that—whilst you can't stay out in space or on oxygen-free planets forever—you have a good five minutes or so, which is plenty of time for basic mining, scouting or even attempting to 'cheese' the Never Surrender scenario by grinding down enemy drones by hand.

Some scenarios would need to be tweaked when this mode is enabled:

  1. Earth-like: no changes needed, as having no helmet would only affect gameplay at high altitude and outside the atmosphere.
  2. Zero-O2 planets/moons: start in a very small pressurised station with a survival kit and enough resources to build a mining rover/drone. Recreate the start of the film The Martian!
  3. Space: similar to #2.

This was previously suggested (slightly obliquely) here but it may have been lost or forgotten: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/broken-helmet-and-depressurization

And the notion of craftable suits is already popular: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/make-astronaut-suits-a-craftable-item-that-take-resources-to-make

A somewhat related suggestion highlights the point that there is currently little point in opening your visor: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/publictest/topic/please-removeedit-o2-auto-refill

A very closely related suggestion:

Add areas (atmospheres) where suit energy is expended extremely quickly—faster even than 'Freeze'—to simulate a toxic or hazardous environment. This would provide very similar incentives to not having a helmet, but would be a feature of the world rather than of the player character.

In this way, scenario builders could create 'toxic' or 'radioactive' worlds or planets, which are impassable to astronauts and mandate the use of a pressurised ship or drone. In practice you could just make this an atmosphere where helmets are forced open and there is no oxygen (or somewhere where suit energy is expended much more quickly than normal, even faster than freezing temperatures).

Thus, we turn Never Surrender from defending a station on an asteroid to defending a super-toxic-radioactive station on an asteroid, where you need to use proper ships or a safe space to remotely control drones from, otherwise you die from lack of oxygen/energy. No more cheesing with grinders!

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