H2/O2 generators

Stephen Brown shared this feedback 6 years ago

It seems in this build (playtest 2) oxygen generators have had their output reduced significantly from 167 iceconsumedpersecond to 50. this kind of balaces the hydrogen engine to some extent but it makes hydrogen thrust an interesting choice as we now need little more than 3x the generators for the same thrust. just a personal preference but can we find some middle ground in here as hydrogen tanks being doubled now take forever to fill (i dont mind making a small mod to alter it if you dont)

Replies (2)


This change has now been implemented into the Survival Update- terrible idea and do not understand the reasoning.

It is difficult enough to build compact ships due to how large small grid Hydrogen tanks are, instead relying on multiple H2O2 Generators to provide fuel for Hydrogren thrusters- now we can't even do that since we require 3 times as many generators which take up too much space ion compact builds. Please, increase the generation rate back to where it was previously, and give us smaller small grid Hydrogen tanks.


I completely agree, this change has ruined small ships.


This reduction in both storage space and production of hydrogen has greatly limited the possibility of designs that utilize o2/h2 generators as a power source. Not only has this alteration to generators limited what we can create. It has also broken all prior builds/creations using o2/h2 gens.

We need generators o2/h2 generators restored to their previous patch configuration. Or at least increase the storage space to 10k ice and return the production values of hydrogen produced. Additionally small grid also needs a small hydrogen block. There has been small hydrogen blocks for years thanks to modding. Small single block or a size of three small blocks hydrogen bottle should of been added into the default game ages ago Keen...

I have also started a thread on steam regarding the storage space issue and I found out about the hydrogen production reduction the other day. Keen these changes were not on the update change log nor were they a wanted feature. In the past, thruster power/output was also reduced in this manner. That change combined with this reduction means we have to use triple the amount of blocks to achieve the same goal. Space engineers is already mocked for how underpowered crafts perform unless they are covered in thrusters. Please do not expand the problem further. Space engineers has finally released and this is how Keen wants new players to experience the game? These issues are a step backwards from fun and creation.

If anyone wants to also comment on my thread in steam regarding the issue here is the link


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