H2/O2 Generator should produce both gases

Ender Look shared this feedback 6 years ago

I find quite unrealistic that when you spend ice to produce oxygen or hydrogen from a H2/O2 Generator you only get one of both gases per spent ore. In real life that doesn't happen.

Instead, I think you should get both gases at the same time to make it more realistic.

I know that the rate 11% H2 and 88% O2 (which is usually how it works in real life) is very unbalanced to the game, so you could make your own rate, like 1:1, or 3:2, as you find better for the current game balance.

Replies (1)


Acctualy i think there is a reason for NOT getting both gases from 1 ice.


your ship runs with h2 and your o2 is full that means your h2 tank gets empty and you crash down. why? its not posible to generate h2 if the o2 has no place to go!!


In that case, the H2/O2 Generator could disintegrate (waste) one of the gases if there is no more room for it in order to produce the other necessary gas.

Even more, they could add a new checkbox for it "Safe Mode", when on it will stop if one of both gases storages is full. If unchecked it will continue to produce even if one of the gases is already full.


I am really not an expert but i am kinda doubt the game mechanics can handle to disintegrate oxigen in an closed (presurized) envoirement. This "unnecessary feature" may destroy more of the pressurising/depressurising gamephysics then it will have use.


The game already does that. As far as I know (but I haven't tried it) if you use an Air Vent to depressurize a room while your O2 tank is full, all the air from the room is disintegrated, so I don't see any problem adding that to the O2/H2 Generator.


NO it does NOT!

If all Oxigen Tanks are full the Air Vent WONT depresurice any of your Base or Ship Rooms. the Air Vent will only work as long you have space left all the remaining air will stay in your room and fly out the door if you open it.

Thats why your Airloks ALWAYS need to have an Empty Tank to Work correctly. Your Airlock also need to have the correct size that all the air in that room can fit into your tank. Al the left over Air just waves you good by on the way out the door. ;)

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