H2/O2 gen needs option to reserve space for tank refill

Vorg shared this feedback 6 years ago

The H2/O2 gen grabs any and all ice whenever it has any space left. If you have ice, then it can't refill bottles because it has no space left for them. Try taking soe ice out and it grabs more filling back up before you can stick a bottle in. Sometimes it will grab bottles to fill before filling up, But it needs an option to reserve space for bottles.

I also noticed that while the O2 tank has an option to refill bottles, it never grabs any to refill, maybe for the same reason, trying to use gas space for tanks and can't if full of gas. For gas tanks, they need the tank slots to be a seperate storage space for tanks only. Maybe do that for the gen as well.

Replies (2)


I would also like to add something else: I think you should be able to reserve a percentage of an O2 tank for when you try to depressurize an area. If the O2 tank is full, you waste O2 opening a door because you can't depressurize it.


I use a couple of tanks set up with no connection to the main conveyor system... I Use this as a buffer for depressurising/re-pressurising the room the room.. zero O2 waste


You know what else that does? It makes you require more space, which is quite at a premium on some builds.

It also requires a lot of space in order to conveyor enough air vents to de/re pressurize a hangar at a decent speed.


:-) hi again

I know i can't convice you. And i accept you need this air tank easy mode.

An engineer would think, hmm large hanger. I have plenty room for a decent automated air system.

If you have very little space, you are going to make a tiny air lock.. so you can stick a small grid o2 tank+vents on a rota. Easy.


Hangar does not always mean large.

A hangar big enough to fit a small fighter is still a hangar.


OK, Your hangar is small, you don't have much room.. you can do a depressurisation system that only takes the space of 2 large blocks. I don't really want to do your engineering for you , but just try the rota thing with small grid o2 tank, 2 vents. It actually even looks good (well i think so), there also is even room for several timer blocks, that saves I large block for every timer you put on this thing.. win win

you can even put the depressurisation kit on the fighter, that way you can breath in your fighter for a longer time using the hangar air.

loads of possible engineering solutions and game play that would all vanish if you get keen to play the game for you.


OK, I've just tried my small grid idea again, as you got me worried i was mad.

when i used this idea before i was on a low oxygen planet.. it worked there.

in space the vents do not see the air in the room they are in.. so we still need the large grid vent...

even then you can fit fully functional airlock system, rota oxygen tank, vent, 18 timer/program blocks. all in a 3 large block space.. the small grid tank has enough capacity to take the air from a 20x20x5 room with ease, I just did it.

picture attached


"18 timer/program blocks"

That is a lot of space used to save a couple blocks. We are trying to save space here, over the whole grid, not just shunt it elsewhere.

"loads of possible engineering solutions and game play that would all vanish if you get keen to play the game for you."

Except they wouldn't. You would still be able to do those things.

I recently had a little spat with some guy about whether NASA should research things for use on Earth. His point, which is completely moronic and defies all logic, is that NASA should not develop anything for use on Mars, because those resources could be better put towards developing the same damn thing for use on Earth.

I questioned why we wouldn't be able to use them on Earth anyway, cause we would obviously be testing them on Earth to see if they worked. He stopped responding after that question, I'm assuming it was because he either realized he was an idiot for having that stance, and left in shame, or decided I wasn't worth spouting his bullshit to.

Your argument there is kinda like that. Completely senseless, and doesn't follow logic. You can still do the engineering, just as that tech that is developed for use on Mars can still be used on Earth. There is just an option for those that don't want to. Or in the case of the tech for Mars, we get to use it on Mars too.

If the engineering option was removed as a way to do it, then you'd have a reasonable basis to claim that. But this would be in addition to, not a replacement. And if you're going to claim that you'll use it because it's easier, then that's a you problem. If you want to do the engineering, do it.


One of the things that bothers me about SE is the idea of working around a problem that shouldn't exist. Why NOT just have a smaller O2 tank? Why NOT just have each air vent have a small capacity to hold it's own O2 so if you're doing an airlock up to say 3 empty blocks the vent can store the air? Anything larger (like a hangar) would require a different system with more capacity? I'm sure someone has already modded a small O2 tank and now that the game is live hopefully mods will be more stable but this whole conversation sounds like excuses for tedium rather than causes to engineer anything.

Anything requiring a large block/small block rotor trick is STUPID. There is NO reason not to change the game so that small blocks can simple be built onto large blocks. Modders have proven that it can be done so it can't be THAT difficult.


Everyone plays SE for different reasons .... The whole point of the game to me is solving problems that should not exit... the more problems to solve the better...

Please give me problems!


you can get bottles into oxygen tank and hydrogen tank using the conveyor sorter.

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