Group editor

error 404 shared this feedback 6 years ago

When you put whatever blocks in a group and want to add another or remove one you cant, only delete the whole group and recrate it with changes.

I propose the ability to edit groups, like if you want to add somethingh or if a part of the group gets destroyed you can just add it back to the group when you rebuild it.

For example if you have 5 lights in one room and you add another you wouldnt need to delete that group of lights and than recreate it with 6 lights, you could add the 6th light to that group.


Replies (1)


You can edit groups, just select the group and control+click the blocks you want to add or remove. There is a small issue if there is only one block in the group, you may need to select another block for a moment and then select the block you want. Otherwise it seems to work fine for me.


Yes, i tried that and it works well if i add an item, but i cant seem to figure out how to remove one or more. I press control and click and nothingh happens. I also tried alt, shift, right click, left click..

Honestly i think we deserve a proper editor, a menu that pops up when you click on an item and there you choose what actions you want to do.


Click on the group, and then only ctl + click on the items you want to add or remove, make sure the group name is still shown. If you click on something without ctl, you would then be selecting only that block.

Are you then clicking"Save" under the group name?

It seems to work for me in 1.88, are you using the release or the playtest version?

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