'Grid Rack' for large ships

Auhrii shared this feedback 5 years ago

Hello! I'm here to suggest a form of compound blocks. Pitchforks away, please.

What I'm suggesting is essentially a block for large ships that allows the mounting of small grid blocks inside it. The blocks inside would be fixed to the rack, and treated as though they're part of the same grid.

"Why?", you may be asking. Things like programmable and timer blocks have the exact same functionality between large and small grids, and it feels wasteful to have to take up 2.5m³ just to be able to perform multiple actions with one hotbar slot, when the same can already be done with a 0.5m³ unit. This would allow us to have more compact computer cores in our ships, with the caveat that blocks mounted on the rack take damage with the rack - a single point of failure, an engineering trade-off between survivability and volume/mass savings.

Use-cases: Compact computer cores, black boxes, securely mounting small grid hydrogen tanks on large ships.

Replies (2)


They should have it where you can place small grid blocks on a large grid in general


This has only been suggested for about 5 years now....

Everyone else puts down a large rotor with small rotor head.


Rotors incur a performance cost, as that assembly is in fact two grids held together by a physical constraint that has to be checked and updated constantly. I'm proposing a block that allows small blocks to be part of the same grid, or at least rigidly connected with a significantly reduced physics overhead.


Grid size is inseparable from the grid itself. The game doesn't even properly support large blocks on small grids, so it's somewhat difficult to imagine that small grids would ever be implemented onto large grids.

It might be possible to implement a block with fake blocks inside of it, but the art and implementation cost is unjustifiable, since you can do essentially the same thing with a locked rotor, which is about as minimal as it gets besides using fake blocks. And if you can do the fake blocks thing, why not just allow programmable blocks to contain and execute multiple scripts?

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