Enhance Suit Welding with Blueprint

Diche Bach shared this feedback 6 years ago

"Enhance Suit Welding with Blueprint"

I have only 100 to 200 hours with the game (offline mode 95% of the time). But having tried my hand at using projectors in the suit, and having discussed its limitations compared to how a "ship welder" functions, I have a suggestion which I believe would improve game play and reduce annoyance--particularly among new players.

At present, it is possible with the suit welder to weld blocks in such a way that one encloses an unfinished block behind other blocks. In fact, because of how the cursor selection works, it is necessary for designs that include lots of surrounded blocks to be quite intentional about how one operates the mouse controls so as not to inadvertently cause this problem.

It is my understanding that, the ship welder--as a universal feature of the ship welder construct--does not suffer from this shortcoming. In sum, the ship welder can weld "through" blocking objects.

I would suggest that this same functionality be applied to the welding of objects being projected, whether they are being constructed with the suit welder or the ship welder or a robot, etc.

I am familiar with the "show only buildable" feature of the projector and I have used it and it is helpful. However, it does not completely prevent problems. Once a block is projected then an error in mouse control can cause it to begin building, and thus block other unfinished blocks. Thus my referring to "it is necessary for designs that include lots of surrounded blocks to be quite intentional about how one operates the mouse controls so as not to inadvertently cause this problem."

To quote user "Malware" (of scripting fame) from the Discord discussions which generated this suggestion: "The actual problem, in my opinion, is the fact that new blocks are 'started' before the attachment blocks are completely finished."

Of course, there could be unintended consequences to that kind of change (not projecting new blocks until the connecting block is completely finished) that we haven't fully thought through, but it might well be the easiest solution.

Replies (1)


i agree projector should change "show only buildable" to "show only buildable touching completed blocks only"

I often put extra blocks of a starkly different colour into my Blue prints just to aid automated ship building, these block can be cut off once the ship is printed.

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