Engineer Jump controls (Mid air)

Vygintas Kirda shared this feedback 3 years ago

Ability to control Astronaut jumping direction just a little bit. (mid air controls)

Now you stand in front of fence that is below your knees and can NOT climb over it because Engineer just jumps in place instead of climbing.

OR you jump a tiny gap and end up one the falling because it jumps with full force only.

How is it realistic not to be able to make an small leap or climb a small obstacle.

Replies (1)


Good point, but please make it subtle. Having Argonian Acrobatics-level-100 mid-jump direction change skills should remain reserved to the jetpack. (A jetpack-assist jump would be interesting, though. Like normal jumping in gravity except also with jetpack on and damping disabled, and without permitting arbitrary orientation at zero friction that currently enables sliding across the landscape on your friggin' head!)

Maybe increase the distance the Engineer can step up obstacles (at least one small block high). After all the fucker has knees, doesn't he? So let him (or herhim in the female model) use the damn things!

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