Cockpit LCDs

domingo shared this feedback 6 years ago

All Cockpits (Flight Seat, Control Station, ...) have de-facto unused LCDs.

Let at least some of them be modifiable like normal LCD - also by scripts.

Replies (13)


Yes, that would indeed be a very good idea. He could also have the cameras on the cockpit screens. There is also a bug that causes the cockpit lcd screens not to turn off if there is no power. Otherwise it is true that the cockpit screens are really not very used.


After some discussions from various people I came to a (I think) good solution for having each LCD in the cockpit as its own.

The controls from the LCD's terminal window can be mostly directly copied, with one addition: a drop down menu to pick which LCD you want to edit! Bottom-left, Bottom-center, etc, since those should be fully customizable in number and names (linked to a material present in the cockpit model)

The PB API would have a similar thing, same methods but with an index/string key for picking the in-cockpit LCD to write to.

I also did a mockup of the cockpit UI, see attached files.


I think I would want the terminal settings to work that way also. Seems like a reasonable solution.


Yep that would work nicely, Perhaps they could add a new type of list (Tree list)

I don't think this needs example.


For the Programmable Block I'd prefer a collection of IMyTextPanel elements as a property of the IMyCockpit, perhaps something like:

interface IMyCockpit
    // [ … other stuff … ]
    IReadOnlyDictionary<CockpitLcdPosition, IMyTextPanel> Screens { get; }


How about having some sort of G menu for the lcds, where you would for example drag down Large Cargo Container 3 and select "Display Volume/Damage/Power"? Feels like it would be simpler and faster to assign stuff to your lcds this way. This way might be more intuitive for new players, rather than having them be standard LCD's requiring enabled programming. On the other hand, it would be good to also have that feature, so you can assign scripts to the LCD if you want.


That's a different thing entirely, you should suggest that in a new topic.


Why not a toggle for each LCD to switch between PB or G-menu style assignment? That way both can be supported independently.


This would be great!


For me, there is no more important thing than LCDs in cockpits. I have 2273 hours in SE and if you reject this project I will uninstall the game. The game does not make sense with dead displays in cockpits. There is a super mod, which the cockpit becomes functional: Why not add it to the basic version of the game?


See, now KSH HAS to put LCDs in cockpits. Unless they subscribe to the 'we don't give in to terrorists' line of thinking...


Note that I already paid for the game. So, if I uninstall it, they will not lose anything. Unless one marauder.


Pls don't uninstall it, this is a great game even with just modded cockpit LCDs :) Congrats to the 2273 hrs!!

When not using the mod I am adding the LCDs externally to the cockpit in the sight of view.

Btw, can we write text on LCDs using different colors? For e.g. I would like to display msg if I got damaged blocks in blinking red, rest of the lines simply in white etc.


Sometimes I design vehicles that have LCDs outside the cockpit. But I immediately give up such ideas. For me, the entire interface should be transferred into the cockpit the moment I board it. I do not understand the technical problem, why all indicators could not be on the dashboard of the cockpit? I'm tired of playing game with mods all the time, just because the game lacks something as elemental as the dashboard indicators. So, if they reject the project of adding lcd to the cockpit, I will uninstall the game. And this is the game I played the longest in my life (well, except for the Civilization series). And I will consider it as a personal failure - devoting a lot of time to an unfinished game. Because without functional cockpits this game is unfinished.


Well, I think that the fact the app is not finished is not necessarily a bad thing... You can expect for improvements, new things, ongoing interest. etc. One it gets declared finished - that's it.


Just not completing this game is not bad. Provided that this does not apply to functional cockpits. If they do not make active indicators and / or lcds in cockpits, all the rest of the improvements will not make sense. At least for me. I have been waiting for it from the very beginning. And it was always obvious to me that if there are cockpits in the game and have modeled displays and other buttons, it's only a matter of time until they become functional. If that does not happen, I will feel cheated.


One more thing. This game is an engineering game, it means that it is about building various constructions, including space ships, bases, vehicles, etc. But building is not an end in itself, it is built in order to finally wonder if everything works like we assumed. And to check it you need various indicators. While designing my vehicles, I focus mainly on their functionality - the indicators are necessary for me. I want to see if I have an open hatch, a detached lander, how far I have a distance to the connector when docking, or to the surface of the planet during landing, etc .. I use scripts, displays and always some cockpit mod for that. Whenever I start a new world in SE, I decide to play without mods, but I never succeed. Always missing these indicators in the cockpit and end up installing mod. So for me, KSH's decision whether or not the displays will be in cockpits, means whether I will continue playing in SE or not.


Thx for clarifying I understood now that it is personally very important to you and your arguments are totally valid! I also would like to have them. However let me try to help you to feel less disappointed (I will barely succeed doing so, lol - giving the fact that you have played 10x times more than me in SE), what if u think to this problem this way: engineering is always about overcoming limitations, solving problems, so what if you are looking to the lack of cockpit lcd-s just as a limitation you need to solve somehow for now. (And hopefully they will add it to vanilla in the future). I admit I am speaking easily, b/c my worlds probably are not that advanced therefore perhaps I feel lack of cockpit lcd-s less severely.


Yep, this would be very good indeed. It's just sad to see those fake screens there. Plus, if this feature gets implemented, I'll surely continue to work on my menu system script.


I had the same thought.

The bright blue screen looks like a bad placeholder, it’s nice to put something useful there. I would almost prefer a selection of relevant widgets to select from for the display, but that would be “yet another thing to add”. For now I think just LCD would make everyone happy despite needing program script to make useful output to it.


McDonough, your mod is great. I always play with him. It is one of the two basic mods I use in every game (since when they exist). The second is the cockpit:

However, I would prefer a more functional flight seat to appear in the game. I would like it to have all the necessary indicators and 3 displays, just like in this cockpit mod. One display is not enough. It annoys me that in every vehicle I have to set up huge screens that block the view from the cabin. I would like the pilot's seat and all cockpits (small and large grid) to have the same functionality. Ideally it would be if the entire HUD moved from the helmet to the pilot's seat or the cockpit.

Would you take a more functional version of your mod? Maybe without indicators, but with three small displays?

By the way: recently I look at this forum every day with concern that KSH did not mark this topic as "declined". Yesterday I started a new game to test the latest update. Again, I tried to play without mods and again I came to the point that I had to install at least cockpits. I'm tired of it.



And one more thing. It occurred to me that the second pilot's seat with a large screen is completely unnecessary in the game. I would exchange it for a control console with indicators and screens, but without a seat. You set the console in front of an ordinary chair (which is already in the game) and you have all the indicators and screens you need. Such a set: cockpits, pilot's seat and console of indicators (+ an ordinary chair) were a set, thanks to which you can build a fully functional vehicle of any kind. Cockpits for small grid ships and small large grid units. Pilot's seat for medium large grid vehicles. Armchair and console for the largest units.

Such is my dream. That's how I see it in the perfect version of Space Engineers. I do not need anything else to start a game without mods for the first time in my life.

Maybe thanks to KSH this dream will come true someday? You guys can do it, you made the best game in the world. Maybe you can also complement it with a functional cockpit?


Yes! There's already mods that do this, but they are hacky and fiddly. This should definitely be added to vanilla, possibly with updated models and moving canopy for funzies!


Hi guys, thank you for the feedback. I like this idea too.


Yes, dew it!! :D It could finally make my menu control script practical (especially if the cockpit hotbar slots would also be configurable programmatically):


The fate of my favorite game is just weighing. Probably after the weekend I will know if I can continue to play or it's time to uninstall it.

Remember guys: I need (I think, not just me) cockpits and dashboards with indicators and at least two screens. The best in three versions: cockpit, pilot's seat and control console (without seat). As I wrote above.

....What a nervous tension..... I have not felt that way for a long time.....


Petr, I wonder: would it be possible to add cockpit-specific keybindings, for example using the numerical arrow keys and enter (by default)? If the cockpits had LCDs, and we had some option to react to cockpit-related keyboard inputs in the programmable block, that would open incredibly wide possibilities to implement all sorts of interactive functionalities for cockpits.

Even the base game could implement some built-in interactive information display (or ship control panel) which would increase immersion quite a bit.


This is currently a huge gap in SE. Make. It. Happen. Pretty please.


Gábor: Everything is possible, just time is limited. Thats why we have started this support site :)


Everything is possible hmm ....


Cockpit block is wrong, player need to build the own cockpit


Waiting time...A great cockpits overhaul: the dream update is coming. I hope.


 the dream update is coming


I hold you by the word.


how close are we from seeing these dreams become a reality?


they are live now.


Cockpits need to be parts instead a onepiece, actually we are modders hostage instead build our own cockpit.

We must to build many lcds and shape cockpits how we want.

Just create cockpit parts for we build as we want instead to need mod a cockpit for change style


Pergaps using the existing module system


VCZ modular cockpit, in the steam workshop. Cockpit with parts that include working LCDs, programmable blocks & timers, cargo, H2/O2 storage and generator. That and MMasters Automatic LCDs are absolute must-haves for me - stuff that should absolutely be stock.


Do not keep it a secret anymore. Change this topic to PLANNED. And one more thing: please specify the date of the next update. The dream update.



What about cockpit indicators? Will all these switches be only dummy?


What do you want the switches to be for? And also you gotta remember that the devs are still working on this feature, this is only a teaser.

But hey I'm hoping too :)


I just turned on the "Public test" and the displays in the cockpits proved to be dummy. I hope it's just a joke ... and that in the next updates the screens will come to life.


This is now in the game and can be closed


Hi, is possible to access the lcd screen of cockpit by PB?


Yes, lots of scripts do it already.

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