Cargo percentage Gauge

@TheHarveyM shared this feedback 4 years ago

I know the character has an indication of how much it has in its' inventory, but any vehicle operated does not give a visual cue of how much is in its' containers, be it a visual bar or % number.

I would like to be able to change one of the onboard screens say from power, horizon or clock to a percentage of current Cargo space filled, which would auto adjust value if you add more cargo containers. or even something similar above the toolbar when you enter a vehicle would also be good.

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Replies (3)


Guess I am the only one that would like this?

Even if the Weight gauge turned Red when Cargo is Full would be awesome


Everything you describe is possible with a programmable block... I wrote a script for myself that can update normal Text Panels and also the cockpit LCDs with inventory information, including percentage of full capacity used and lists of ores or ingots that are onboard in inventory.

That said, there are plenty of scripts in the workshop that can do this and much more. I agree it would make sense to have this as one of the default script options in the cockpits though, as I'm sure most players are interested in this type of quick visual inventory information.


Many blocks have cargo space, like connectors, cockpits, reactors, and more, not just the containers. But each user has his/her own taste what would like to include in a cargo gauge. So it's better to leave this to customizable scripts, not a rigid embedded one.


Or they could embed one that is customizable? :P


Each container could have an extra check box "display % on hud"


I think it can be realized in another way. Just like the battery has a gauge to show how much power remains, the cargo container can also has a gauge to show how much room remains or how much room has been occupied.

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