Planet Overhaul and NPC ships on Planets

Ryukki shared this feedback 6 years ago

I think the SE planets really needs ME planet touch. I love the textures,terrain with roads, and the landmarks they made and beautiful trees and plants they have. SE planets been around for such a long time I feel like they need to be updated. You could keep the old ones and make a new scenario with the new planets.

I feel like the planets are empty and need something to make it interesting. I use this PVE style mod and I just love raiding these ships, looking at them while they fly past or if I feel like it hijack these ships and make it my own which is kinda hard but worth it! I think it would really make the planets feel a bit more alive with NPCs flying around.

Replies (4)


I find this is easily achieved through modding. Try these mods for PVE on planets.

Planetary Cargo Ships: adds a variety of atmospheric ships and is required for some other pve mods.

Air Traffic: A variety of ships that will not actively attack but fly by at high altitude with civil and military builds.

Corruption PVE: Space Pirates that will actually interact with the player via text messages. Well programmed and create a variety of scenarios from lost drones asking for help, deadly stalkers, hunters that send out search drones, ransoms and even kamikaze attacks.

Surface Occupation: Pirate bases and fortifications:

Planetary Installations: Yet more pirate bases, but these can launch defense fighters to chase you!

Ground Drones Invasion: Requires Planetary Cargo Ships (Must be second in mod list to planetary cargo ships when loaded). IF YOU USE THIS, PREPARE TO DIE, A LOT. These drones will keep you on your toes, they will chase you, they will track you, they WILL FIND YOU. They use a variety of stages in their attacks. Scanning for the player with drones launched from capitol ships, parachuted radar devices, observation drones. Attacking with small grid fighters that parachute a variety of ground based attack vehicles. Small fighters that employ a variety of attack methods from circling your base and raining down mg and rocket fire, dropping turrets, firing tracking block missiles and even knowing to roll about if a player jumps aboard them. They will kill you many times and you'll often be forced to run early on. Another thing to note is that the large ships will come down to pursue you as well, but they occasionally crash into the ground (so be ready to delete a few large ships).

Ground Drones Invasion


I love all these mods I use them all the time. I like how if you use them all it gives you hostile factions with various difficulty. From small transports to combat ships and even a whole attack squadron. I just would like Keen to update there dated NPCs and make them interesting like how these mods. Also I really think we're way overdue for a planet overhaul.


I agree Planets need a make over .

But i feel for this to Happen we need a 3D hight map and not a 2D grayscale And planets that can heal them selfs to remove voxel damage away from a players base or unground base.


Yes. Please find a way to incorporate the Modular Encounters and EEM mods in vanilla SE. I think that would be a great idea. I think the original mod authors would be able to help a lot as well. Please and thank you!


Hmm~ I recently made both of the ME planets for SE. Though I think the current one they use is nicer, I got tired of waiting and made my own attempt of the planet. Its not as amazing as ME but least we can enjoy it some what.


You make the both subtlest and prettiest improvements!

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