Bases are to easy to cheese with warheads

Chris shared this feedback 6 years ago

In my time during the test I saw that warheads are way to easy to craft and take advantage of for wrecking bases.... 6 explosives is way to cheap to build a large grid weapon so powerful. I'd suggest making the warhead more expensive and requiring a player to have to go to space to get materials to make warheads.... as a matter of fact I saw more warheads being used at the end of the test than any vehicle based weapons. Also, on a side note I never saw missiles used once and I remember uranium being required to craft missiles as ammo which means a weapon that is considerably weaker than a warhead was significantly more difficult to make.

Is there anything that can be done to make warheads more of an endgame weapon and make missiles more available to use even if you are not space bound yet?

Replies (4)


I agree with this statement, I feel like it is too easy to cheese bases by tunneling and getting past base defenses that can take time to set up and it only takes minutes to drill underneath and slapping a large grid warhead under the base and getting absolutely destroyed without a lot of effort.

Sure, there are some methods to countering this but I doubt new players would know these methods without someone telling them about said methods.

I would say make the large grid warheads more expensive in terms of construction requirements for the amount of explosive damage they put out, first thing that comes to mind is how little explosives it takes to craft one (6), this could be raised up significantly, but that's just one suggestion, otherwise you have a fairly cheap meta at your disposal to exploit. Even with the progression tree on all you need to do is build a small grid reactor and you have access to them.


Missiles may be hard to craft but they are great at destroying enemies vehicles (by crippling wheels, thrusters or energy source) and machinery from afar. Sure you can drop warheads from the sky, but that requires a lot of precision and training to pull off.

Reduce missiles cost, increase warheads cost, is what I suggest.

Edit: I mean, who uses URANIUM as ammo anyway?


I've never used missiles much in SE. Is it possible for missiles to be shot down by either Gatling or interior turrets? If so that would... could make them more entertaining to use in a fight.


Yes it is possible. Turrets even have a checkbox to enable/disable that they target missiles


Look on wikipedia for depleted uranium ammunition. It was a popular idea until they realized it gave the target severe radiation poisoning if it didn't kill on impact, which is considered cruel as a weapon of war. It's also too dense to use as an antipersonnel round (it would punch through, not dissipating energy into the target). it's density properties make it excellent vr/ armor, though. All you have to do to break an internal combustion engine is penetrate the cylinders.

Biological life doesn't seem to be valuable in the SE universe as you can pop a new clone out of a machine every couple seconds at very little cost. Why WOULDN'T someone use depleted uranium as ammunition in a machine vr. machine battle where radiation is commonplace and ignored?


What you think should happen for fun is very different to what can and does happen on the official PVP servers. Players do use warheads to base wipe because missiles have a counter and cost more. The warhead is a problem, your comment adds clutter to this thread Predro, not a solution.


Cheesing any NPC is overall way, way too easy (especially for a company with so many ties to a pro AI company)… digging, using voxels, abusing decoys, bad AI, warheads… the list is quite extensive unfortunately.


NPC's? I was mainly talking about PVP interactions.


Im gonna have to disagree, when used as they're designed I think they are balanced, very hard to hit someone with them. However I do agree the idea of "cheese mining" underneath someones base and using them is quite ridiculous, there needs to be some form of effective countermeasures for people using this tactic.

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